Ways to order from our Catholic wholesale shop

Our preference is for wholesale online orders on our website.  However we can take orders by post and email in the UK.  We cannot take telephone orders because for audit purposes we need confirmation of your order in writing.

All international orders need to be placed online on our website.  Once an order is received you will receive an email to advise of this.  Then another email once the item is shipped.

  • Email an order
  • Post an order
  • Website order

Email an order

For UK customers to email an order please send to: [email protected]

In the email you need to include the product code of the items you need, quantity, colour - if there is an option, and your proposed payment method.  We will then send you an invoice and you can pay by Paypal, Google Wallet, BACS (Internet transfer) or cheque.  BACS is our preference.

Post an order

For UK customers to post an order please send to:

Rosary Heaven Ltd
177 Leeds Road

Cheques included made payable to Rebeca Rayner. You need to include the product code of the items you need, quantity, colour - if there is an option, and your proposed payment method.  We will then send you an invoice and you can pay by Paypal, Google Wallet, BACS (Internet transfer) or cheque.  BACS is our preference.

Website order

How to order online:

To order any item, just click the 'Add to basket' button next to the item. You can change quantities or remove items when you review the shopping basket or checkout. Each time you 'Add to Basket' your item will be added to your basket. You can review the contents of the shopping basket at any time by choosing 'view basket' on any page.

To change quantity to zero to remove an item, change the quantity in the basket to zero and press "refresh" button directly to the right of the quantity amount.

When viewing the shopping basket page, to continue shopping you can press the back button your browser to take you back to where you were (this will not affect what you have already put into the basket), or you can use the navigation categories on the left hand menu.

Once the basket is ready you can go to the secure payments pages. If you have finished your order click the checkout button and follow checkout instructions from there.

You can select to pay immediately by Paypal or GoogleWallet or you can choose to pay by BACS transfer or cheque.  Please see our payments section in the Terms and Conditions for details on how to pay by BACS or cheque.  Our preference is BACS.

You will receive an email almost immediately with confirmation and details of your order.